Case Studies Of Business Analytics

Industries Served: Financial Services | Life Sciences | Hospitality | CPG | Industrials | PE

Case Study - 1

Corporate Finance group of a leading Hotel Chain was producing Financial Statements to better provide insights to their Operators of worldwide properties, as well as assessing the financial impacts of certain strategic initiatives. The data from disparate sources such as Excel Spreadsheets stored on internal SharePoint sites and IBM databases. There was a lot of pain in consolidating and generating the monthly quarterly and annual reporting for the stakeholders within and outside the organization.
After developing detailed understanding of the required KPIs, PowerBI dashboards were created. Multiple filters (Owners, Brands, Operating Units, Area Directors, Regions, etc.) were created to customize insights for real time decision making. The KPIs needed complex calculations that were done using SQL and DAX functions.
The dashboards were linked directly to the underlying data to allow for updates to be made remotely and the dashboard to be updated as needed.

Case Study - 2

A leading Marketing company was supporting the global market launch of a consumer product for a F50 Pharma company. Detailed Survey data was collected in over 14 countries, resulting in raw data generated for over a billion records. The Survey data was stored in an IBM SASS database. The challenge was to extract and create a central repository for the data, and using BI tools to create easily digestible Customer Segmentation and Behavior analytics.
The IBM SASS data was extracted as csv files, and data wrangling tools (Altryx) was used to manipulate the data into a usable format and loaded into SQL database. Complex SQL queries were used to generate.
As a result, the Marketing agency was able to provide key customer behavior analytics and share with the client the launch strategy.

Case Study - 3

A leading Luxury goods retailer was undergoing an operational transformation that included implementation of an ERP system, and integrating a new 3PL distribution facility and their internal systems.
The company management charged with the turnaround, needed real end to end visibility of their supply chain for better Inventory and manufacturing forecasting. The Sales team needed to integrate external Sales Data for better order forecasting; Finance team needed accurate information to make informed timely decisions.
A PowerBi Dashboards were created by linking directly to the ERP system providing real time insights. Historical Sales Data from external sources was normalized and stored in a central repository. SQL queries were written to create Sell Through Reports, SKU performance etc.

Case Study - 4

A F500 Pharma company was facing a significant market event, and needed assistance in identifying which account targets were most likely to migrate, and recommend actions to preserve share in these accounts and recommend a refocus in personal promotion effort.
The historical data was brought into PowerBI Analytics tool, blended with the quantitative data to create Interactive visual dashboards showing Behavior-based clustering of current called-on accounts and the Placement of target accounts into risk segments. Over 24,000 location information was mapped with associated attributes for interactive visual analytics.
The predictive analytics done considered each Account’s purchasing behaviors over the most recently available 12 months of sales/purchasing data, and was combined with qualitative aspects of the Account’s behavior, based on select interviews. Over 4,000 accounts were ranked with a risk score calculated on several key metrics, and the accounts at most risk were identified and recommendations were made to protect market share.

Case Study - 5

A F500 Pharma company was looking for support their Sales Deployment Strategy by understanding their needs.
Recently completed a Qualitative Analysis initiative to understand the Prescriber and Payor Dynamics to support the Sales Force deployment strategy refined based on Access for a F500 pharma company. Data from multiple sources that included IMS/IQVIA Prescriber RX data (Xponent), Sales of drugs by the wholesalers to non-retail and retail (DDD), and DX SOB data was analyzed and Decile rankings were generated at the prescribers and payors levels, across geographic ecosystems. Interactive visual dashboards were created profiling these accounts and made available to the sales teams to optimize their sales efforts, using Excel.